Currently available are



All remedies encourage and support the self-healing properties of the Soil Food Web to re-establish balance in soil biology, chemistry and energy. Please find the price list here.

Particular Uses

GENERAL SOIL SUPPORT is designed to generate and support soil biology in all types of settings – backyard, grazing and any broad acre agriculture – supporting fungal, bacterial and mineral properties. Suitable for frequent use.

SOIL ACTIVATOR is made ‘to wake up’ tired, dormant soils, reminding them of what they are capable of. Best used as an ‘introductory’ remedy and ideally followed up by the General Soil Support. Beneficial for a one-off application, might repeat after a year, not suitable for frequent use.

SOIL RESCUE supports soils hat have been disturbed and are recovering from trauma – either caused by chemical or mechanical impact. Soil Rescue is especially beneficial when repotting or planting and in high-impact use like market gardens, after overgrazing, ploughing, earthmoving, spraying, during drought recovery, etc. Also beneficial for treating injured trees or after pruning.

HEAVY METAL SUPPORT assists soils with heavy metal contamination. it supports the natural plant succession, the soil’s way of healing itself, and aids recovery from extremely vibrational impact of heavy metals. Can get used frequently, especially when contamination is ongoing e.g downhill from dairy farms.

WATER ENHANCER supports water quality and vibration, especially beneficial when dealing with acid rain and similar contamination. Can get used in and around waterways, riparian zones or drainage lines. Ideal for application where contamination enters from neighbouring properties or roads.

EQUINE FORMULA is designed to heal the particular soil issues and plant profile common for horse properties, including salinity.

ADDITIVES address the particular needs soil with weed infestations. They can get added to the General Soil Support. Currently available are additives for blackberries, ragwort, thistles, capeweed, dock and cat’s ear (false dandelion). Please do not use the additives alone, they need the General Soil Support as carrier to work properly.

More info further below. 

All SOIL SUPPORT REMEDIES can get sprayed out individually or together with natural, organic or biodynamic fertilisers.

Dosing and Applications

Homeopathy works in minuscule doses and can get distributed  with a brush or sprayed out with larger tanks with a very coarse nozzle (available from Vitec).

Dilute 3ml (60 drops) of the remedy with water in a bucket, 2ml (40 drops) in a spray bottle or 30ml in a spray tank up to 1,000 litres.  

For Additives add 20 drops of the additive into the General-Soil-Support-mix for a bucket, 15 drops to a spray bottle and 10ml in a spray tank up to 1,000 litres.

This is not about maths, it is about energy distribution, hence it does not matter if it is a small or large bucket or a small or a large spray tank – the dose stays the same. Stir the mix well before application.

The application rate is as small as one droplet per square foot. This is easily achieved by using a brush – a toilet brush works great – or a branch to dunk and flick or wave; or with a coarse nozzle on a spray tank. Spraybottles are ideal when using Soil Rescue while planting or repotting; just apply several squirts around the roots. Also suitable to treat injured trees, even after pruning. Just spray the effected area lightly.

Please use rainwater/tankwater as the chemicals in town water interfere with homeopathic remedies. If rainwater is not available fill town water into open containers and let it air for at least 24 hours to allow some of the chemicals to dissipate. And please do not use any tools that have been in contact with chemical fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides. And please avoid contamination of the remedy by touching or dropping the dropper or any implement that gets placed back into the bottle.

Apply twice a year, beginning of spring and autumn, up to four times a year when the seasons change. Ideally early in the morning or later afternoon – right before or during a light shower or when the dew is setting – is perfect. Please avoid direct sunshine in the middle of the day as this will fry even the sturdiest applications. But – perfection is futile – and a remedy on the shelf is doing nothing – so do what you can and apply when you have time to do so. If using Soil Rescue use as often as you see fit, can be ongoing in a market garden for example.

The remedies are entirely safe to use and can get applied in and near waterways or while animals and people are present. No protective gear needed and withholding periods do not apply.

For the biodynamically inclined…

Soil Support Remedies can be added to any biodynamic preparation or sprayed out on its own. They benefit greatly from running through a freeflow-form, vortex-stirring or any other water-energising tool in use.


When storing your remedies choose a cool, dark place at least two meters away from electric appliances, especially  microwaves. Keep away from direct sunshine and please do not store in the fridge.

How to choose the best Remedy?


When I work with soil for the first time I want to ‘wake up’ soil biology and remind it of what it is capable of. I either use the Activator – once – or the Soil Rescue – as often as I see fit. The Soil Rescue is especially helpful when the soil has been hammered, chemically or otherwise abused, also when GMO is involved. In short, when I find that the soil needs a ‘cup of coffee’ I use the Activator, when it is in need of healing and a hug, I use the Soil Rescue.


With the following application I consolidate the activation of soil biology using the General Soil Support. If the soil is in extremely poor condition I use another round of Soil Rescuenever another round of Activator within a year, though – one cup of coffee is enough!!


If your property, or parts of it, is overrun by one particular weed you can add the appropriate additive for that weed to the General Soil Support. The Additives don’t stand alone, they need the properties of the General Soil Support to do their work. The Additives are not weedkillers!! They are designed to support the healing of the underlying soil condition that makes it necessary for that specific plant to grow. Please refer to my article ‘For The Love Of Weeds’ for further information. However, less is more. One or two additives per area are enough. Let’s not overpower our precious soil biology, however well intentioned. 


When I work with equine facilities I also ‘activate’ the soil either with the Soil Activator or the Soil Rescue (Step 1). Then I will consolidate with the Equine Formula (Step 2). Please don’t use any Additives, the Equine Formula is quite complex and designed to heal the most common soil issues especially found on horse properties, including salinity.


Heavy metal contamination is found frequently on current or former dairy forms or downhill from them. Due to the particular make up of the contamination s wake-up is not always required. Please contact e for more information here.


In my veggie garden I use the Soil Rescue whenever I plant new seedlings, spraying the root balls lightly. I also use the Soil Rescue for any tree injuries and after pruning by just spraying the effected area sparingly. When I spread compost or worm castings I spray the material slightly with General Soil Support, beneficial for market gardens. too.


I always protect my property from water runoff from neighbouring properties, roads, etc by spreading Water Enhancer generously around the point of entry. I like to support my waterways by occasionally spreading Water Enhancer along drainage lines or waterways, especially beneficial after acid rain or after chem-trails have been observed.


How to order

Please find the price list here and contact me anytime for orders, if you have questions, concerns or success stories to share.

If you have any other soil problems than covered above, I am more than happy to customise a remedy for you. 
